An international workshop to enthuse and equip SCMers to participate more actively in the struggles for the rights of indigenous peoples



At the biannual meeting of SCMs in the Asia-Pacific region, representatives from SCMs in Australia, Aoteoroa/New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, India and Fiji discussed together the fact that struggles of indigenous people are major issues facing each of their societies. In each case, the SCM has had various levels of interaction with indigenous people and has become aware of the struggles for justice which indigenous people face on a daily basis.


SCMers from each of those countries felt that it would be extremely helpful to have a workshop where experiences from the different countries could be shared and new strategies developed.


In the process of the discussion it was realised that the situation of Fiji, with majority indigenous people who are well-entrenched in power structures is different from the situations in the other countries named above. For this reason, it was felt to be more necessary for the other countries to meet together. Because of costs, it was also decided not to include India in the workshop.



The aims of the workshop include the following:

(1)     Contact: interaction with indigenous people, exposure and listening

(2)     Competence: building a deeper understanding of the issues facing indigenous people and the way in which the dominant culture functions to suppress and drive to the margins the legitimate aspirations of indigenous people

(3)     Confidence: working on skill-building, to equip SCMers to raise issues relating to racism awareness within their communities

(4)     Commitment: to inspire SCMers to commit themselves whole­heartedly to the struggles of indigenous peoples for justice



A planning group in Australia is preparing a draft programme to be circulated to the other countries for comments and revision. At this stage the proposed programme includes the input of indigenous people as resource people and monitors, and it is hoped that these resource people will also become part of the planning group.

As part of the programme, the participants will divide into three small groups to visit three different Aboriginal communities for 2-3 days:


(1)     Bourke - dialogue with the Aboriginal Land Council, health care workers, the Western Aboriginal Legal Service workers and others

(2)     Jervis Bay - historical and cultural camping trip led by members of the local Aboriginal community

(3)     Redfern - contact with a number of Aboriginal organisations working in and around Redfern, such as the Aboriginal and Islander Dance Theatre, Tranby Aboriginal College, Murrawina pre-school, Aboriginal Health and Medical Services, and the Watct Committee (which lobbies regarding Aboriginal Deaths in Custody).


Participants will then reflect on their experiences in the light of reports from their own countries. These reports will include a component of structural analysis of the ways in which dominant culture operates.


There will be daily bible study and worship. The bible studies will be led by an indigenous person from Taiwan, be contextual and focused on the issues of the workshop. Participants will create the liturgies for each day.


The workshop will seek to develop new strategies for SCM to be more actively involved in the struggles of indigenous people, based on reports and reflections of the participants as well as input from resource people.

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