The World Student Christian Movement Asia-Pacific Region issues the following statement in solidarity with the Indonesia people and GMKI (the Student Christian Movement in Indonesia)


21 May 1998


o     We follow with great concern the current economic, social and political situation, in Indonesia.

o     We urge political change within Indonesia, to ease financial hardship, allow democratic management of the country without corruption and respect the differing emerging aspirations of the many people of Indonesia.

o     We support efforts for economic, political and legal reform, which will lead to a more just, democratic and participatory social and political system as well as a more transparent government administration.

o     We demand the immediate release of all political prisoners and an immediate end of human rights abuses. In particular, we wish to express our grief at the inhumane treatment of students and pro-democracy activists demanding political reform.

o     We consider the current economic instability and subsequent hardship for the Indonesian People to be directly related both to undemocratic and corrupt rule, and to the structural adjustment of the Indonesian economy imposed by international financial agencies, particularly the International Monetary Fund (IMF). We believe that the pressure applied by such financial institutions and conditional foreign aid has severely and detrimentally affected the Indonesian people and their society.

o     In addition, we believe that interfaith life should be promoted on all levels. Destructive actions, particularly attacks on places of spiritual importance must end, as they reflect disdain for all religions and a humiliation of all human beings.

o     We offer our support and solidarity to those who work for change and for those. who will work to regain well-being for the Indonesian nation once the current unrest ends. We support your efforts for promoting justice, communal harmony, unity and prosperity for the Indonesian people.


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