WSCF-AP Library: Archives and Resource Materials Since 1974 Archive
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- WSCF-AP Book Series: The WSCF-AP Book Series Publication Project started in 1976 in order to provide students and youth with wholistic understanding of society and church in the Asia Pacific region as well as the world. The Book Series is a theological attempt to articulate ecumenical vision and mission in the context of Asia-Pacific society where poverty, hunger, oppression, injustice and human rights violation prevail. The Book Series addresses the critical issues of the Asia Pacific context. It includes the peasantry and their social revolution; theology of the People's Struggle (Philippines); Minjung Theology (Korea); women's struggle; interfaith dialogue; peace and conflict transformation; education and liberation; as well as ecumenism.
- Publications of the WSCF-CCA Joint Consultations: The partnership between WSCF and Christian Conference of Asia was initiated in 1966. The cooperation was a commitment to a common ecumenical vision and strategy for student ministry in the region. To achieve this goal, the WSCF-AP and CCA held many regional and national consultations. In this category, you can read about the reports of the WSCF-CCA joint consultations.
- Human Rights and Solidarity Programmes: The Human Rights and Solidarity Programmes with the marginalized people in the region has been one of the major concerns of the WSCF-AP since the office moved from Geneva to Tokyo in 1969. In order to respond to Human Rights concerns, the region set up the Asia Forum on Human Rights (1979) and Political Commission (1982), later on in 1980, the region appointed Human Rights coordinators on voluntary basis. In this category, one can read about the region's major publications concerning human rights, this includes topics such as reports of various workshops, fact-finding missions, reflection papers on human rights issues, theological reflections, statements on the critical human rights events such as the Tiananmen Square Uprising.
- Leadership Formation Programme: The first leadership training programme of the WSCF-AP was conducted in 1970 by the name of ALDEC that continued until 1975. In 1977, the leadership training programme developed to ASFOR. In 1982, the HRD programme replaced the ASFOR. From 1992 onward, the SET programme has been organised as a "leadership formation for students". In 2001, WSCF-AP has initiated a new leadership formation programme, SELF, for front line leaders of the SCMs in the region. In this category, you can find out the publications regarding the ASFOR, HRD, SET and SELF programmes.
- Other Publications
- Praxis: Praxis is the Newsletter of the WSCF-AP. But Praxis, simply beyond being a newsletter, has provided the audience with timely reflection and responses of the Student Christian Movements in the world. The first Praxis was published in 1974. Currently, the Praxis is published three times a year.
- WSCF-AP Regional Women's Programme: The Regional Women's Programme is a vital resource that serves as the training and empowerment tool for the women constituency in the SCMs. Resource materials produced by the Regional Women's Programme range from the pioneering regional women's report on History, Visions and Programs; to modules taken from training programmes such as Women Doing Theology, Women's Leadership Programme and Women and Men in Partnership: In the Context of SCM; to consultation papers on Community on Women and Men; to liturgies developed for and by women SCMers in Reflective Liturgy for SCM Women. Go into this section for works done for, by, and of women in WSCF-AP.
Note: If you're looking for recent publications, you'll probably want to try WSCF A-P's Praxis home page instead for issues from 2001 onwards.
Comments and abuse about the site to But I didn't write the books -- e-mail the authors concerned.
I understand that the disc was originally put together by the Student Christian Movement of the Philippines.

© Copyright 1974 to 2005 by WSCF A-P, SCMP, SCMA, Jonathan Ah Kit and a whole bunch of other suspects. Allegedly. We also love valid markup when we have the time.